Digital or printed exam Know the differences and choose the most ideal for you

Did you know that it is possible to choose between the digital or printed Enem when taking one of the most important tests of the year? This digital model was recently implemented and it is natural that not all students master the details regarding this type of test. To better clarify this topic, we have prepared content with the main information on the subject, helping you to decide on the method that is most convenient for you. Check out! summary What is Digital Enem? How does the Digital Enem work? What is the difference between the Digital Enem and the Print Enem? What is the advantage of taking the Digital Enem? What is the disadvantage of the digital Enem.

How is the writing of the digital Enem Structure of the digital enem test How is the application of the digital Enem? How to register for the Enem? Common questions What is Digital Enem? The digital Enem is the digitized version of the National High School WhatsApp number data Examination test. The first edition in its digital model was held on January 31 and February 7, 2021. It followed the same format as the printed version, with the same requirements both for answering the questions and for writing the essay. How does the Digital Enem work? In the digital Enem, students take the test using the computer of an educational institution selected by Inep.

This means that despite being digital the assessment cannot be done at the candidate’s home. This shows that, in terms of inspection in a face-to-face environment, the same criteria are used, whether for the digital or printed Enem. What is the difference between the Digital Enem and the Print Enem? The biggest difference between the digital and printed Enem is in the format of the test and the way of answering the questions. That is, while in the digital modality the students respond via the computer, the printed model keeps the handwritten answers. In addition, the number of vacancies for enrollment in the digital Enem is limited, running out after completing the enrollment quota.